We were all very excited to receive a letter from Santa from Royal Mail asking whether we could send our letters this week as he is just so busy!

We had a big class discussion about what we could ask for from Father Christmas and we came up with 3 things…

  1. A present we would be very grateful for and something that would bring us lots of joy!

2. A present for somebody that we care about.

3. A Christmas wish!

We had a long talk about something we could ask from Santa that wasn’t a materialistic gift but something that we could hope for this Christmas for others around us.

Sapphire’s class wish was for everyone in St.Mark’s School to have a big smile on their face when they woke up on Christmas day and to enjoy making memories with their friends and family.

Then we took a little- but exciting walk with Ruby class, to the red post-box down the road…

As you can see we were all very excited to post our letters to Santa Claus!

It’s in the post-box now! Yippee!

We can’t wait to receive our letter back from Santa’s Grotto!