Playdough is such a fun and flexible activity. Squishing, rolling, sculpting, molding . . . young children love to play with playdough.

Add some props from around the home and playdough play becomes a powerful way to support your child’s learning.

When children use playdough, they explore ideas and try different approaches until they find one that works. They compare and contrast objects (“Mine’s a fat pancake and yours is skinny”), actions (“No, don’t cut it! Scrape it, like this”), and experiences (“We’re not making a snake—we’re making a road”). In their experimenting, children come up with their own ideas, satisfy their curiosity, and build language skills.

Have a go at home with this quick recipe.

Easy No Cook Modelling Dough Recipe

1.      2 cups plain flour

2.      1 cup salt

3.      1 tbsp oil

4.      1 cup cold water

5.      2 drops liquid food colouring – any colour of your choosing