St Marks Early Years Unit holds its first parent workshop.
On Wednesday 6 July 9 parents whose children attend classes in the early years unit, benefited from a workshop on how to help their children with toilet training. The workshop was delivered by Merrylyn Miller, who is a Family Support & Outreach Worker. It was a fun and interactive session with parents joining in and offering their best toilet training tips and ideas. During the session we learnt that:
  •  Toilet training should be started when children are showing signs of be ready and when parents have the time and are not stressed – so school holidays are an ideal time to start.
  • Using the toilet and being without nappies are  big steps for children so they need plenty of praise when they do use the toilet or potty correctly.
  • Remember, never make children feel anxious about using the toilet or potty and  when they are learning make sure they are in comfortable clothes like jogging bottoms or shorts without buttons and zips.
  • Give your children the language skills that they need by talking to them about using the toilet so that they can tell you when they need to go!
  • Realise that it is another skill for them to master and that this may take some time – little set backs are all part of the course.

