At St Mark’s we believe that achievement is affected by behaviour and that behaviour can likewise affect achievement.  It is therefore imperative that every child receives appropriate support to maximise their chances of achievement and success at all levels.  We also recognise that we have a joint responsibility with families to not only help children modify inappropriate behaviour but to likewise teach appropriate behaviour.

We want to enable every child to reach their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically, while making certain that the rights and responsibilities of children and adults are maintained.

Going for Gold

‘Going for Gold,’ aims to encourage positive behaviour and seeks to highlight children exhibiting positive behaviour while encouraging collaborative learning The phrase ‘Going for Gold’ is used to describe a child who is following the ‘Going for Gold’ rules and by so doing has managed to keep their picture on the gold lion.

‘Going for Gold’ rules

In order to achieve our behavioural aims, we recognise the need for a standard of behaviour from all members of the school community: pupils, staff, parents and volunteer helpers.  These are stated in our ‘Going for Gold’ rules ‘which encompass our whole school behaviour policy. They are also displayed in every classroom and throughout the school.

Our ‘Going for Gold’ Rules are:

The ‘Going for Gold’ rules are constantly referred to by all staff whenever positive or negative behaviour occurs from pupils.  They are further reinforced by circle time session for each class.  During these sessions, staff emphasise various PHSE/SEAL aspects of the curriculum and encourage children to talk through any concerns or worries they have at school.  These sessions also develop other skills such as listening, taking turns, self awareness and empathy.

For further information please see the schools’ behaviour policy:

‘Going for Gold’ song

At St Mark’s we even have a ‘Going for Gold’ song.

It goes something like this…