Here are some pictures of Greek Gods and Goddesses. Who is your favourite and why?

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28 comments on “Who is your favourite Greek God or Goddess?

  1. My favourite Goddes is Artimis because my mum told me that how ever joins her will forever be young, and that she only protect young girls .Artimis also is Goddes of hunting.

  2. My favourite Goddes is Artimis because my mum told me that how ever joins her will forever be young, and that she only protect young girls .Artimis also is Goddes of hunting. That’s why I like her.

  3. My favorite Greek God is hestia because in our assembly I played her . She is my favoutie goddess because she is Determined because when two gods wanted to marry her and they asked Zeus but she said no so he made the Goddess of homes

  4. Ibrahim Khadir says:

    Possidon is my favourite Greek God, because he is the god of sea. He can control all the creatures of the sea, and he is also the god of earthquakes and horses.

  5. My favourite goddess is Hera because she is very annoyed with Zeus.

  6. Dionne Russell says:

    My Favourite Greek god is Zeus. He is my favourite god because he is the most powerful,youngest.He is the lord of the sky an can strike you down with a lightening bolt if you disagree or upset him.

  7. Jayden Jordan-Wells says:

    My Favourite Greek God is Zeus. He is my most favourite god as he is the youngest and most Powerful. Zeus is the lord of the sky so if you disagree with him he might strike you down with a lightening bolt.

  8. My favourite god is Hera because she has control of marriage,
    goddesses and love

  9. Shane Williams Jaipaul says:

    My favourite Greek God is Zeus because he can control the weather at any time, and make’s thunder bolts as well as lighting. In addition to the above Zeus can make the sky dark. Zeus also has a son named Hercules who was the strongest man in the world.

  10. My favourite Greek god is Zeus, because he was the first Greek god to reign on Mount Olympus.He is the strongest Greek god that I know.And is the father of Hercules and he uses thunder bolts.

  11. My favourite goddess is Aphrodite because she is the goddess of love! My name means goddess of love in Scandinavian.

  12. Luca Draskoczy says:

    My favourite Greek god is Poseidon because I LOVE oceans! Also, I really like horses and earthquakes (although they’re dangerous), all which he rules. There is NO creature I hate that lives in the oceans. Poseidon is Zeus’s and Hades’s brother. He and his brothers each were rewarded something from a Cyclops. Poseidon won a trident which he uses to stir the waters up and to start earthquakes (that is AWESOME!).

  13. I like Zeus because his wife is Hera and his brother is Hades the god of the under world

  14. I like Hades because he’s the god of the under world

  15. My favourite one is Zeus because he is mighty

  16. My favourite goddess is Aphrodite because she is the goddess of love and beauty.she had an unusual birth because she was born in the sea like no other god and goddess .

  17. My favorite Greek God is Poseidon because he is the god of the sea,
    (and the sea is my second favorite habitat) earthquakes and (most importantly) ………… HORSES ! He rules the wild oceans and seas, and all the mysterious (or maybe not THAT mysterious) creatures in it.Poseidon has a son named Bellerophon (a demigod ) that loves horses as much as him. It makes sense that he, ( Bellerophon ) tried capturing the mighty pegasus (the incident with the golden bridle) ( that also helped him defeat the hideous monster – CHIMERA) His other children were : Theseus, Triton, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, Atlas, Nerites and Amphitrite. He had 2 brothers, the mighty Zeus: he ruled the sky lightning and weather, and Pluto ( also known as Hades ) the god of the underworld. POSEIDON IS THE BEST GOD EVER (and he is the god of horses ! ) : )

    BY JULIA ; )

  18. my favourite goddess is Aphrodite because she is the goddess of love and beauty and her parents are Zeus and Dione .

  19. My favourite Greek God is Hades because he got a three headed dog that I like and he is the God of the underworld !(he got some as well gem):)

  20. My favourite god is Zeus because he is the most powerful God and he can make lightning strike at any time , plus he is the king of the gods.He has two brothers and one wife called Athena. From julio

  21. My favrite god is Zeus beacause he is mighty

  22. My favrite god is Zeus beacause he is mightyand mine isaprhodighty by jenisne

  23. my favourite god is hades because he is the god of the
    underworld and rules dead over death and brings sorrow and
    woe to dead people

  24. my favorite Greek god or goddesses is Hestia because I played her in our assembly. She is also my favorite because she is very indestructible because when two men asked Zeus for 1 of them to be her wife she said no so that makes her the goddess of homes . She is also wise and nobody can tell her what to do. BY SAVANNAH

  25. My one is Zeus

  26. and Hercales

  27. kayley parkhurst says:

    My favourite Greek God is Aphrodite because she rose out of the searf of the sea and is the most beautifulest God out of them all! She has the power to make people fall in love and bring happiness.Aphrodite is so cool and she is awesome!

  28. I like all of the Greek gods :)
    Aphrodite that is my most favorite Greek :) :):)

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