St. Mark’s School is dedicated to fostering a positive and enriching learning environment for our students. We actively encourage and value feedback from parents and carers through various channels:

1. Ofsted’s Parent View: Parents and carers can conveniently share their thoughts on the school through Ofsted’s Parent View on the official website.

2. Regular Parent Surveys: We conduct frequent surveys throughout the year to gather insights into parents’ perspectives, ensuring their voices are heard on an ongoing basis.

3. Open-Door Policy: Our open-door policy ensures that parents and carers have direct access to school staff before and after the school day, promoting open communication and addressing any concerns promptly.

We welcome all forms of feedback, recognizing its importance in continuous improvement. By addressing issues as they arise, we aim to swiftly and effectively resolve any concerns. Our belief in the significance of strong communication between home and school is unwavering. We are committed to cultivating secure relationships, creating an environment where both parents and children feel happy and safe at St. Mark’s School.