The governors of St. Mark’s are a diverse group of people who bring a wide variety of skills and knowledge to the governing board. Drawn from parents, staff and volunteers from the wider community we work as a cohesive group to provide strategic leadership of the school.  Governors have a crucial role in challenging and supporting the school leadership team and therefore closely monitor and evaluate progress. We also have responsibility for agreeing the budget and determining school policies.  In essence, the Governors have the ultimate collective responsibility for ensuring that the school is well managed and run.

We meet termly for a full governors meeting and each Governor is also a member of a committee which focuses on particular aspects of the school’s management.

It is our aspiration to continue to drive improvements in both the academic achievement and physical learning environment at St Mark’s and as a committed and dynamic team we are dedicated to achieving this goal.

We feel privileged to have the chance to support St. Mark’s and its wonderful children.  Their happiness and success is at the heart of everything that we do.

If you would like to contact the Governors with any suggestions or concerns that you may have, then please send an email to

Governor Overview:

Please follow link to view Governor overview 2023-24:

Please follow this link to view Governor overview 2024-25: 

Governor Attendance:

Please follow link to view Governor attendance 2023-2024:


 Meeting minutes available upon request.


C. Sheehan - Chair of Governors

D. Dease - Parent Governor

G Rizzolo - Staff Governor

M Dixon - Foundation Governor

R. Crawford - Associate Member

R. Garrett - Foundation Governor

T. Lundy - Governor Clerk

Ms Braithwaite - Headteacher Governor

Mr McEleney - Deputy Head Observer

B. Gunnee - Foundation Governor

F. MacCorquodale - Foundation Governor

J. Eggleston - Associate Member

L. Boyd - Associate Member