This term in Tundra Class, we have been learning all about Ernest Shackleton and his crews remarkable expedition to the Antarctic.

We have used the text to explore many different oracy and writing based outcomes, including role playing, hot seating and one of our favourites, Endurance themed poems- inspired by the name of the Discovery ship Ernest and his men used for their voyage.

Against all odds, and in the face of adversity, Ernest Shackleton used his impeccable leadership skills to survive and keep his crew safe whilst stranded for two years. A true testament to his heroism.

Tundra class, what did you find most interesting whilst learning about Ernest Shackleton’s expedition? Which piece of work from this unit has been your favourite?

Please share your comments below.

One comment on “Ernest Shackleton

  1. I learned a lot about this man Ernest Shackleton.
    He went to Antarctica

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