Dear Parents/Carers,

Please note this homework pack has a range of activities for your child to complete for the duration of the term. It is my suggestion that your child completes one activity per subject, per week. You will find optional activities for your child to complete within this pack, whilst these activities are optional, I would encourage the children to complete them to help consolidate learning particularly during the summer holidays. Please see below for a suggested timetable of activities your child should be doing on a daily/weekly basis in addition to their homework.

Summer 2 Coral Homework

Activity Suggested frequency
Reading Once daily for at least 15 minutes
Times Tables Rockstars 3-4 times per week
Purple Mash 1-2 times per week


Thanks in advance for your support. If you have any queries about the homework tasks/suggested activities please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,

Miss Mensah