Welcome to Autumn term Trust Class!

Welcome trust Class! I hope you’ve had a lovely summer holiday break. I am very excited for the fantastic learning opportunities we’ve got planned this autumn term, including our class trip to the London Mithraeum!

Our Enquiry Based Concepts this term is; Our Christian Value of Trust.

The curriculum will be delivered through the following topics: –


Our English core texts this term is ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ by Jane Ray. The quality and rich texts will provide us the opportunity to teach literacy creatively and effectively. All children will write their own character description and fairy tale using a number of writing techniques and features. We will also be exploring a text called, ‘African Tales’ which will link to Black history month.


This term, topics will include place value, addition and subtraction up to four digit numbers, where pupils will be able to use their reasoning and problem solving skills. We will also spend time revising our times tables in preparation for their multiplication check in the summer term.


In R.E this term we will be exploring Christianity and how the belief of God affected the actions of the people in the Old Testament. We will also explore how celebrities’ today, show their belief in God through their every-day actions.


Our Science topic this term is, Sound. We will identify how sound is made, finding patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it. We will carry out investigations to aid our understanding


We will be focusing on identity, society and equality. This includes identifying Britain as a democratic society, how laws are made in the U.K and having an opportunity to debate as a class.


This term we will be focusing on information technology. Pupils will create media and record sounds which will link to our science topic of sound.


This term we will doing Fitness and football. Fitness will be with our new P.E Coach, Sax every Monday afternoon and every Friday morning with myself. Please don’t forget your PE kit.


This term in music the children will be learning how to play the recorder. Pupils will learn with a solo instrument and learn how to read music. They will also develop their eye and hand coordination.


This term every Friday, the children will be learning how name, recognise and recall from memory up to ten vegetables in Spanish. They will learn to attempt to spell some of these nouns and learn to use the high frequency verb, quisiera from the verb querer, to want in Spanish.


This term, Art will be linked to our topic of the Romans. The children will create a Roman mosaic. We can’t wait to show you our fantastic art work.


All roads lead to Rome! Pupils this term will be exploring the Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain. Have a look at some pupils creative homework projects- Roman shields!

Class information

Homework will be set each Friday and is expected back latest on the following Wednesday. Homework should be a shared activity and marked together.

Remember to read and practice multiplication tables every night.

Reading should be every day, minimum 20 minutes. Extra activities that could be completed at home are posted on the website to help support children’s learning.