Welcome to Summer term 1 Rainforest Class!

Welcome back to school Rainforest! I hope you’ve had a lovely Easter half term break. I am very excited for the fantastic learning opportunities we’ve got planned this summer term, including our new topic in Geography, the Rainforest! And our exciting class trip to London Zoo.

Our Enquiry Based Concepts this term is; The Rainforest.

The curriculum will be delivered through the following topics: –


Our English core texts this term is ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ by Lynne Cherry. The quality and rich texts will provide us the opportunity for all children to write a setting description about the Amazon Rainforest and write a persuasive argument against deforestation.


This term, topics will include decimals and time, where pupils will be able to use their reasoning and problem solving skills. We will also spend time revising our times tables in preparation for their multiplication check in the summer term.


In R.E this term we will be exploring, What does it mean to be a Hindu. This will give pupils the opportunity to learn more about Hindus values and beliefs.


Our Science topic this term, we are continuing to learn about, Living things and their habitats. We will identify what are living things and what are the human impacts on animals habitats. This will be followed by a class trip to the London Zoo.


We will be focusing on relationships and health. This includes understanding the way we grow and change throughout the human lifecycle and the physical changes associated with puberty including hygiene. This will give all pupils the opportunity to answer each other’s questions about puberty with confidence, to seek support and advice when they need it


This term we will be focusing on Computer Science. This includes the multiple scenes and dialogue scratch. Read and explore code. Also to test and debug code and plan an algorithm for a dialogue.



This term we will doing Fitness. Cricket will be every Monday afternoon (please don’t forget your P.E kits on Mondays).  Every Friday morning will be P.E with Miss Rizzolo, focusing on Fitness. On Friday mornings, pupils can come into school already wearing their PE Kits (please don’t forget your school uniform on Fridays).


This term in music the children will be continuing to learn how to play the Clarinet. Pupils will learn with a solo instrument and learn how to read music. They will also develop their eye and hand coordination.


This term every Friday, the children will be learning, ‘Las estaciones’. In this unit, pupils will learn how to: Recognise, recall and remember the four seasons in Spanish. Recognise, recall and remember a short phrase for each season in Spanish. Say which season is their favourite in Spanish and attempt to say why using the conjunctions ‘y’ and ‘porque’.


This term, Art will be linked to our English text and pupils will have paint the landscape of a Rainforest, inspired by Henri Rousseau. Pupils inspired by Bansky have already painted trees similar to his art work on Horsney road. The children will practice their drawing skills and shading using paint. Have a look below at our fantastic art work we have already created!

Class information

Homework will be set each Friday and is expected back, latest on the following Wednesday.

Please, remember to read and practice multiplication tables every night. Reading should be every day, for a minimum 20 minutes, with reading records being signed daily. Please also check Ping for any further updates.