Hello Taiga Class!  There are lots of fun and exciting things happening this Summer Term at St Mark’s. It’s going to be great!


We will be reading and analysing ‘Wolf Brother’ by Michelle Paver. We will continue to develop our reading comprehension skills in guided reading lessons and our spelling and grammar skills for our Year SATs.


This term we are going to be revising all areas of learning in preparation for secondary school. We will continue to consolidate our Maths knowledge and apply these skills to real life problems.

RE (Religious Education)

This term we will be learning about Buddhism in Summer 1 and in Summer 2, God’s rules for living.

History and Geography

In geography we will be continuing on from our Year 5 topic of Climate Change and completed a new topic, The Earth Matters. We will look at earthquakes and volcanoes and the people who live in these areas and how they are affected. We will also look at mountains and rivers and the water cycle. Throughout our unit of learning, we will be making comparisons with our own lives and where we live.


In Science we will be looking at ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’. We will describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals.

PE (Physical Education)

Taiga Class will have PE every Tuesday. We will be preparing for Sports Day and interschool athletics. In addition to this, we will be playing basketball and baseball.


In computing lessons, we will be using online applications to learn about communication and creativity. In online safety lessons we will be looking at how to stay safe online at secondary school.


In PSHE we will be learning about making decisions and coping with changes.


This summer term Onyx Class will be preparing for their Year 6 Show! We will be singing, dancing and acting!

Class Information/Key dates

P.E – Tuesday afternoons

SATs Tests – WB 13th May

Year 6 Show – Wednesday 17th July – 6pm