Autumn Term in Tundra Class

Hello Tundra Class!  There are lots of fun and exciting things happening this Autumn Term at St Mark’s. It’s going to be great!

To begin this term, we will begin to learn about the name of our class, Tundra. We are learning all about the Tundra biome, the climate, flora, fauna and the threats to it from climate change.



This term in English we will be reading The Adventures of Odysseus which links to our topic of Ancient Greece. Our outcomes will vary from letters and first-person recounts to drama pieces and newspaper reports. In addition to this we will be reading ‘Hidden Figures’ which links to our science topic of Earth and Space.


In maths this term we will continuing to improve our number and place value skills and consolidate our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We will begin to tackle trickier reasoning questions and improve our problem-solving skills.


In R.E lessons we will be looking at the miracles and picking apart what these miracles tell us about Jesus.

History and Geography

Our focus this term is the topic of Ancient Greece. We will investigate the timeline and four main periods of the Greek Empire. We will Explore different kinds of historical sources and evaluate their usefulness and Marvel at Alexander the Great and the empire under his leadership. + We will learn about trading and design, research lifestyle and clothing, and study key Ancient Greek buildings.


In science our unit is Earth and Space. We will describe the movement of the Earth and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. We will describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth and describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies. In addition to this, we will use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.


Our P.E Days this year are:

Tuesday PM

Thursday PM

Pupils should be sure to have a full P.E for both days.


In computing lessons, we will be creating vector drawings. In addition to this we will look at the history of computing and how computers have changed the world we like in.


In PSHE lessons we will be looking at physical health and well-being.


Our music sessions will be on a Tuesday afternoon and this term we will be bucket drumming with Mr Allinson.

Key Dates

Class Assembly – Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 10:00am