Summer Term in Tundra Class

Hello Tundra Class!  There are lots of fun and exciting things happening this Summer Term at St Mark’s. It’s going to be great!


This term in English we will be reading The Dam and Street Child. Our outcomes will vary from letters and first-person recounts to drama pieces and newspaper reports.


In maths this term, we will looking at Geometry, focussing on shape and position and direction and also numbers recapping and building on our knowledge of decimals.


In R.E lessons we will be learning about Sikhism and Religion in modern Britain.

History and Geography

Our focus this term is Geography. We will be learning about the effects of Climate Change on our world and considering what we can do to minimise our contribution.


In science our unit is Animals Including Humans and Properties and changes of materials. We will learn about the key life stages of a humans life cycle and also changes in properties across different states of matter.


This half term, we will be building on our yoga skills.

Our P.E Days this year are:

Tuesday PM

Thursday PM

Pupils should be sure to have a full P.E for both days.


In computing lessons, we will be looking at computer science and information technology.


In PSHE lessons we will be looking at relationships and health education and also drug, alcohol and tobacco education.


Our music sessions will be on a Tuesday afternoon and this term we will be learning about the blues, jazz and rock and roll.

Key Dates