At St Mark’s, our maths curriculum is designed to ensure all our children become secure and fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.  We aim for children to be able to apply their mathematical understanding and reasoning to solve problems across the curriculum and in real life.

We adopt a mastery approach through following ‘White Rose Maths’, which is whole-school primary maths programme that provides everything needed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics, and meet the higher expectation of the 2014 National Curriculum.

Our inclusive approach is based on a strong expectation of the use of mathematic language and the use of concrete objects (counters, dienes, bead strings etc), pictorial representations and abstract methods; to help pupils develop a secure, long-lasting and adaptable understanding of mathematics.

In addition to daily maths lessons, pupils in Years 2 to 6 have additional opportunities to revisit and consolidate their number fluency by aiming to move up the different levels of our ‘Number Ninja’ or Times Table Champion’ awards.


Maths Policy

Maths Policy – 2022-24

Useful links for parents
